Operations at http://apisandbox.inapub.co.uk/api.svc
This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.
Uri | Method | Description |
all | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across venues, events, cgcs and offers (where terms is e.g. 'pubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. |
all/ | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across venues, events, cgcs and offers (where terms is e.g. 'pubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, returned as XML by default. |
beers/{id} | GET | Gets details of a beer given an id, returned in JSON format. |
beers/{id}/ | GET | Gets details of a beer given an id, returned as XML by default. |
beers/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Gets a page from a list of beers found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. |
beers/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Gets a page from a list of beers found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned as XML by default. |
beers/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Gets a page from a list of beers found within a radius of a postcode, returned in JSON format. |
beers/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Gets a page from a list of beers found within a radius of a postcode, returned as XML by default. |
beers/venues/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Gets a page from a unique list of beers - and venue serving that beer - found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. Orders by 'Distance' by default, but you can also order by 'BeerName'. |
beers/venues/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Gets a page from a unique list of beers - and venue serving that beer - found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned as XML by default. Orders by 'Distance' by default, but you can also order by 'BeerName'. |
beers/venues/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Gets a page from a unique list of beers - and venue serving that beer - found within a radius of a postcode, returned in JSON format. Orders by 'Distance' by default, but you can also order by 'BeerName'. |
beers/venues/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Gets a page from a unique list of beers - and venue serving that beer - found within a radius of a postcode, returned as XML by default. Orders by 'Distance' by default, but you can also order by 'BeerName'. |
breweries/{id}/beers | GET | Gets beers a brewery brews, returned in JSON format. |
breweries/{id}/beers/ | GET | Gets beers a brewery brews, returned as XML by default. |
CGC | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across cgc (where terms is e.g. 'cricket clubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/ | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across cgcs (where terms is e.g. 'cricket clubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/{cgcid}/events/{id}/images/{imageId} | GET | Gets an event's image given an event id and image id, returned in JSON format |
CGC/{cgcid}/events/{id}/images/{imageId}/ | GET | Gets an event's image given an event id and image id, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/{id} | GET | Get a club group or community given an id, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/{id}/ | GET | Get a club group or community given an id, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/{id}/events | GET | Get a page of events for given CGC, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/{id}/events/ | GET | Get a page of events for given CGC, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/{id}/offers | GET | Get a list of offers a CGC has on, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/{id}/offers/ | GET | Get a list of offers a CGC has on, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/name/{cgc} | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given name, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/name/{cgc}/ | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given name, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/name/{cgc}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given name, postcode and fall within a given radius, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/name/{cgc}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given name, postcode and fall within a given radius, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/offers | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across offers (where terms is e.g. 'cricket clubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/offers/ | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across offers (where terms is e.g. 'cricket clubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/offers/{id} | GET | Get a CGC offer given an offer id, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/offers/{id}/ | GET | Get a CGC offer given an offer id, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/offers/{id}/images/{imageId} | GET | Get a CGC offer image, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/offers/{id}/images/{imageId}/ | GET | Get a CGC offer image, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given postcode and fall within a given radius, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given postcode and fall within a given radius, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/tag/{tag} | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given comma separated tag list, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/tag/{tag}/ | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given comma separated tag list, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/tag/{tag}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given comma separated tag list, longitude and latitude and fall within a given radius, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/tag/{tag}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given comma separated tag list, longitude and latitude and fall within a given radius, returned as XML by default. |
CGC/tag/{tag}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given comma separated tag list, postcode and fall within a given radius, returned in JSON format. |
CGC/tag/{tag}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page from the list of all clubs groups and communities that match a given comma separated tag list, postcode and fall within a given radius, returned as XML by default. |
documents/contentspolicy | GET | Get the URL to the html page of the contents policy that the user must agree to when submitting information e.g. adding a new venue, returned in JSON format. |
documents/contentspolicy/ | GET | Get the URL to the html page of the contents policy that the user must agree to when submitting information e.g. adding a new venue, returned as XML by default. |
documents/tandc | GET | Get the URL to the html page of the terms and conditions, returned in JSON format. |
documents/tandc/ | GET | Get the URL to the html page of the terms and conditions, returned as XML by default. |
events | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across events (where terms is e.g. 'quiz in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude. Optionally pass pagesize (default 30) and inclusive start and end date range (default all events). Rreturned in JSON format. |
events/ | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across events (where terms is e.g. 'quiz in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude. Optionally pass pagesize (default 30) and inclusive start and end date range (default all events). Returned as XML by default. |
events/{id} | GET | Gets an events given an event id, returned in JSON format |
events/{id}/ | GET | Gets an events given an event id, returned as XML by default. |
events/{id}/images/{imageId} | GET | Gets an event's image given an event id and image id, returned in JSON format |
events/{id}/images/{imageId}/ | GET | Gets an event's image given an event id and image id, returned as XML by default. |
events/{id}/venues | GET | Get information on venue(s) where an event is being held, returned as JSON. |
events/{id}/venues/ | GET | Get information on venue(s) where an event is being held, returned as XML by default. |
events/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Given latitude, longitude and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Given latitude, longitude and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
events/name/{name} | GET | Gets a page of events matching a given title, returned in JSON format. |
events/name/{name}/ | GET | Gets a page of events matching a given title, returned as XML by default. |
events/name/{name}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Given an event name, latitude, longitude and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/name/{name}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Given an event name, latitude, longitude and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
events/name/{name}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Given an event name, a postcode and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/name/{name}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Given an event name, a postcode and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
events/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Given a postcode and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Given a postcode and a search radius in miles returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
events/tag/{tags} | GET | Given a comma separated list of tags returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/tag/{tags}/ | GET | Given a comma separated list of tags returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
events/tag/{tags}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Given a comma separated list of tags, longitude, latitude and radius returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/tag/{tags}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Given a comma separated list of tags, longitude, latitude and radius returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
events/tag/{tags}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Given a comma separated list of tags, postcode and radius returns a page of events, returned in JSON format. |
events/tag/{tags}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Given a comma separated list of tags, postcode and radius returns a page of events, returned as XML by default. |
facilities | GET | Gets all of the facilities venues can be marked as having, returned in JSON format. |
facilities/ | GET | Gets all of the facilities venues can be marked as having, returned as XML by default. |
facilities/categories | GET | Gets a list of all the categories that facilities can fall under, returned in JSON format. |
facilities/categories/ | GET | Gets a list of all the categories that facilities can fall under, returned as XML by default. |
facilities/filterlist | GET | Get a list of facility id and display name to be shown in a filter list, e.g. used in world cup 2014 app, returned in JSON format. |
facilities/filterlist/ | GET | Get a list of facility id and display name to be shown in a filter list, e.g. used in world cup 2014 app, returned as XML by default. |
facilities/filterlistinfo/lookup | GET | Gets a lookup of facility filter info to be used with the facility filter list, e.g. used in world cup 2014 app, returned in JSON format. |
facilities/filterlistinfo/lookup/ | GET | Gets a lookup of facility filter info to be used with the facility filter list, e.g. used in world cup 2014 app, returned as XML by default. |
facilities/lookup | GET | Gets a lookup table of facilityid to facility object containing all the facilities venues can be marked as having, returned in JSON format. |
facilities/lookup/ | GET | Gets a lookup table of facilityid to facility object containing all the facilities venues can be marked as having, returned as XML by default. |
fixtures/{fixId} | GET | Get fixture from id. Returned in JSON format. |
fixtures/{fixId}/ | GET | Get fixture from id. |
fixtures/all | GET | Get page from list of fixtures to be included in the app. fromToday: Optionally only return those starting after first thing this morning UTC. Returned in JSON format. |
fixtures/all/ | GET | Get page from list of fixtures to be included in the app. fromToday: Optionally only return those starting after first thing this morning UTC. |
fixtures/competitions/{compId} | GET | Get page from list of fixtures for a sports competition e.g. world cup 2014. fromToday: Optionally only return those starting after first thing this morning UTC. Returned in JSON format. |
fixtures/competitions/{compId}/ | GET | Get page from list of fixtures for a sports competition e.g. world cup 2014. fromToday: Optionally only return those starting after first thing this morning UTC. |
fixtures/competitions/{compId}/next | GET | Get page from list of fixtures for a sports competition e.g. world cup 2014. fromToday: Optionally only return those starting after first thing this morning UTC. Returned in JSON format. |
fixtures/competitions/{compId}/next/ | GET | Get next fixture(s) for a sports competition e.g. world cup 2014, if more than 1 showing at same time then returns all showing at same time. |
postcodes | GET | Get a page from the list of postcodes that are near the provided longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. *** WE USE GEONAMES (HTTP://WWW.GEONAMES.ORG/) TO DO THE REVERSE GEOCODE LOOKUP. IF YOU USE THIS URL YOU SHOULD GIVE CREDIT TO GEONAMES AND SHOW THE FOLLOWING LINK: HTTP://WWW.GEONAMES.ORG/ *** |
postcodes/ | GET | Get a page from the list of postcodes that are near the provided longitude and latitude, returned as XML by default. *** WE USE GEONAMES (HTTP://WWW.GEONAMES.ORG/) TO DO THE REVERSE GEOCODE LOOKUP. IF YOU USE THIS URL YOU SHOULD GIVE CREDIT TO GEONAMES AND SHOW THE FOLLOWING LINK: HTTP://WWW.GEONAMES.ORG/ *** |
updatecheck | GET | Check if an update to the app is available and get an upgrade message. Returned in JSON format. |
updatecheck/ | GET | Check if an update to the app is available |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/accessed_offers | POST | Allows a user to get an offer emailed to them, pass the eventid of the offer in request body. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/accessed_offers/ | POST | Allows a user to get an offer emailed to them, pass the eventid of the offer in request body, response returned in XML format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events | POST | Create a new CGC event, response returned in JSON format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/ | POST | Create a new CGC event, response returned in XML format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/{id} | PUT | Allows an event owner to change an event. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/{id}/ | PUT | Allows an event owner to change an event. |
DELETE | Allows an event manager to delete an event. | |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/{id}/cancellations | POST | Allows an event owner to cancel an event sending a message to the event members. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/{id}/cancellations/ | POST | Allows an event owner to cancel an event sending a message to the event members. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/{id}/images | POST | Set the image associated with an event, previous image is replaced, response returned in JSON format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/events/{id}/images/ | POST | Set the image associated with an event, previous image is replaced, response returned in XML format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/offers | POST | Create a new CGC offer, response returned in JSON format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/offers/ | POST | Create a new CGC offer, response returned in XML format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/offers/{id} | PUT | Allows an offer owner to change an offer. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/offers/{id}/ | PUT | Allows an offer owner to change an offer. |
DELETE | Allows an event manager to delete an offer. | |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/offers/{id}/images | POST | Set the image associated with an offer, response returned in JSON format. |
user/CGC/{cgcId}/offers/{id}/images/ | POST | Set the image associated with an offer, response returned in XML format. |
user/CGC/{id}/messages | POST | Allows a cgc member to post a message on the community forum. Post message as a string in the body. Response returned in JSON format. |
GET | Get a page of forum messages for a given CGC, returned in JSON format. | |
user/CGC/{id}/messages/ | POST | Allows a cgc member to post a message on the community forum. Post message as a string in the body. Response returned in XML format. |
GET | Get a page of forum messages for a given CGC, returned as XML by default. | |
user/CGC/{id}/messages/{messageId}/ | DELETE | Delete a forum message. |
user/CGC/joined | POST | Join a user to a CGC, passing cgcid in message body, response returned in JSON format. |
GET | Get a list of CGCs the user is a member of, response returned in JSON format. | |
user/CGC/joined/ | POST | Join a user to a CGC, passing cgcid in message body, response returned in XML format. |
GET | Get a list of CGCs the user is a member of, response returned in XML format. | |
user/CGC/joined/{cgcId}/ | DELETE | Allows a user to leave a CGC. |
user/events | POST | Allows a user to create an event. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/events/ | POST | Allows a user to create an event. Response returned in XML format. |
user/events/{id} | PUT | Allows an event owner to change an event. |
user/events/{id}/ | PUT | Allows an event owner to change an event. |
DELETE | Allows an event owner to delete an event. | |
user/events/{id}/cancellations | POST | Allows an event owner to cancel an event sending a message to the event members. |
user/events/{id}/cancellations/ | POST | Allows an event owner to cancel an event sending a message to the event members. |
user/events/{id}/images | POST | Set the image associated with an event, previous image is replaced, response returned in JSON format. |
user/events/{id}/images/ | POST | Set the image associated with an event, previous image is replaced, response returned in XML format. |
user/events/{id}/invitees | POST | Allows an event owner to send invite people to an event, by passing a CGC member ids and/or non CGC member email addresses. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/events/{id}/invitees/ | POST | Allows an event owner to send invite people to an event, by passing a CGC member ids and/or non CGC member email addresses. Response returned in XML format. |
user/events/{id}/members | GET | Get a list of events members and their attendance details, returned in JSON format. |
user/events/{id}/members/ | GET | Get a list of events members and their attendance details, returned in XML format. |
user/events/{id}/members/{eventMemberId}/ | DELETE | Allows an event owner to remove an event member. |
user/events/{id}/members/attendance | POST | Allows a user to set their attendance of an event, and an RSVP comment. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/events/{id}/members/attendance/ | POST | Allows a user to set their attendance of an event, and an RSVP comment. Response returned in XML format. |
user/events/{id}/notifications | POST | Allows an event owner to send notifications to event members. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/events/{id}/notifications/ | POST | Allows an event owner to send notifications to event members. Response returned in XML format. |
user/events/checkins | POST | Allows a cgc manager or delegated manager to check in a voucher for an event. Post barcode data in message body. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/events/checkins/ | POST | Allows a cgc manager or delegated manager to check in a voucher for an event. Post barcode data in message body. Response returned in XML format. |
user/venues | POST | Add a new venue (fields Name, Postcode, Town, VenueTypeId, Tags, and County must be defined), returns new id and uri of new venue, submit and return in JSON format. |
user/venues/ | POST | Add a new venue (fields Name, Postcode, Town, VenueTypeId and Tags must be defined), returns new id and uri of new venue, submit and return as XML by default. |
user/venues/{id} | PUT | Update an existing venue given a venue id and update information in JSON. |
user/venues/{id}/ | PUT | Update an existing venue given a venue id and update information in xml. |
user/venues/{id}/beers | POST | Add a beer to a venue as JSON, passing beerid in request body, if a venue is managed only manager can do this, response returned in JSON format. |
user/venues/{id}/beers/ | POST | Add a beer to a venue as XML, passing beerid in request body, if a venue is managed only manager can do this, response returned in XML format. |
user/venues/{id}/beers/{beerId} | DELETE | Delete a beer from a venue, given a venue id and a beer id, if a venue is managed only manager can do this. |
user/venues/{id}/facilities | PUT | Change the list of facilities set against a venue, request in JSON, returned in JSON format. |
user/venues/{id}/facilities/ | PUT | Change the list of facilities set against a venue, request in XML by default, returned as XML by default. |
user/venues/{id}/likes/ | DELETE | Unlike a venue. |
user/venues/{id}/photos | POST | Upload a photo of a venue along wth some details of the photo - photo max size 1055000 bytes - request in JSON format, returned in JSON format. |
user/venues/{id}/photos/ | POST | Upload a photo of a venue along wth some details of the photo - photo max size 1055000 bytes - request in XML format by default, returned as XML by default. |
user/venues/{id}/ratings | POST | Rate a venue given the venue id and the rating details as JSON, returned in JSON format. |
GET | Get the logged in User's rating of a given venue, returned in JSON format. | |
user/venues/{id}/ratings/ | POST | Rate a venue given the venue id and the rating details as XML, returned in XML format. |
GET | Get the logged in User's rating of a given venue, returned as XML by default. | |
user/venues/{id}/ratings/{ratingId} | DELETE | Delete a rating given a venue id and a rating id, only the user that created it can delete it. |
PUT | Change a rating given a venue id and a rating id, only the user that created the rating can change it. | |
user/venues/{id}/ratings/{ratingId}/ | PUT | Change a rating given a venue id and a rating id, only the user that created the rating can change it. |
user/venues/likes | POST | Allows a user to like a venue, passing venueid in request body. Response returned in JSON format. |
GET | Get a list of venues the user has liked, returned in JSON format. | |
user/venues/likes/ | POST | Allows a user to like a venue, passing venueid in request body, response returned in XML format. |
GET | Get a list of venues the user has liked, returned in XML format. | |
user/venues/shared | POST | Record venues shared by the user, passing share info in request body. Response returned in JSON format. |
user/venues/shared/ | POST | Record venues shared by the user, passing share info in request body, response returned in XML format. |
users | POST | Register a new user, the new user will then be sent an email which will enable them to confirm their email address. Response returned in JSON format. |
users/ | POST | Register a new user, the new user will then be sent an email which will enable them to confirm their email address. Response returned in XML format. |
venues | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across venues (where terms is e.g. 'pubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, also optionally comma separated facility ids and whether you want to include places without those facilities (incwofacilities true or false - default false), also optional search radius in miles. If location is passed then the lng and lat will be attempted to be calculated from looking the location up. Returned in JSON format. |
venues/ | GET | Get a page from the list results of searching for terms across venues (where terms is e.g. 'pubs in cambridge') that are near the optionally provided longitude and latitude, also optionally comma separated facility ids and whether you want to include places without those facilities (incwofacilities true or false - default false), also optional search radius in miles. If location is passed then the lng and lat will be attempted to be calculated from looking the location up. Returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id} | GET | Get a venue given the venue id, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/ | GET | Get a venue given the venue id, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/beers | GET | Get a beers a venue has, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/beers/ | GET | Get a beers a venue has, returned in XML format. |
venues/{id}/CGC | GET | Get any community associated with this venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/CGC/ | GET | Get any community associated with this venue, returned in XML format. |
venues/{id}/courses | GET | Given a venue id get the list of food menu courses the venue has, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/courses/ | GET | Given a venue id get the list of food menu courses the venue has, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/courses/{courseId}/dishes | GET | Get a venues dishes for a given course, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/courses/{courseId}/dishes/ | GET | Get a venues dishes for a given course, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/events | GET | Get a page of events related to the venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/events/ | GET | Get a page of events related to the venue, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/facilities | GET | Get a venue's list of facilities, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/facilities/ | GET | Get a venue's list of facilities, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/likes/count | GET | Get number of people who have said that they like a venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/likes/count/ | GET | Get number of people who have said that they like a venue, returned in XML format. |
venues/{id}/menus | GET | Gets a page of info about menus (not the menus themselves) related to a given venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/menus/ | GET | Gets a page of info about menus (not the menus themselves) related to a given venue, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/menus/{filename} | GET | Given a venue id and a pdf filename, returns a streamed menu pdf file, returned as application/pdf. |
venues/{id}/photos | GET | Gets a page of photo information (not the photos themselves) related to a given venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/photos/ | GET | Gets a page of photo information (not the photos themselves) related to a given venue, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/photos/{photoId} | GET | Gets a photo given a venue id and a photo id, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/photos/{photoId}/ | GET | Gets a photo given a venue id and a photo id, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/photos/main | GET | Get the default photo for a given venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/photos/main/ | GET | Get the default photo for a given venue, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/ratings | GET | Get a page of ratings for a given venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/ratings/ | GET | Get a page of ratings for a given venue, returned as XML by default. |
venues/{id}/ratings/{typeid} | GET | Get a page of ratings for a given rating type and venue, returned in JSON format. |
venues/{id}/ratings/{typeid}/ | GET | Get a page of ratings for a given rating type and venue, returned as XML by default. |
venues/beer/{beer}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues that has a beer with name like that which is passed in, and where the venue can be found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. |
venues/beer/{beer}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues that has a beer with name like that which is passed in, and where the venue can be found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned in XML format. |
venues/beer/{beer}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues that has a beer with name like that which is passed in, and where the venue can be found within a radius of a postcode, returned in JSON format. |
venues/beer/{beer}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues that has a beer with name like that which is passed in, and where the venue can be found within a radius of a postcode, returned in XML format. |
venues/breweries | GET | Get the list of Breweries that venues can be associated with, returned in JSON format. |
venues/breweries/ | GET | Get the list of Breweries that venues can be associated with, returned as XML by default. |
venues/brewery/{brewery}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues that serves beer by a brewery (brewery ID passed in), and where the venue can be found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned in JSON format. |
venues/brewery/{brewery}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues that serves beer by a brewery (brewery ID passed in), and where the venue can be found within a radius of a longitude and latitude, returned in XML format. |
venues/brewery/{brewery}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues that serves beer by a brewery (brewery ID passed in), and where the venue can be found within a radius of a postcode, returned in JSON format. |
venues/brewery/{brewery}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues that serves beer by a brewery (brewery ID passed in), and where the venue can be found within a radius of a postcode, returned in XML format. |
venues/facilities/{facility} | GET | Gets a page of venues that match have a given facility ID, returned in JSON format. |
venues/facilities/{facility}/ | GET | Gets a page of venues that match have a given facility, returned as XML by default. |
venues/facilities/{facility}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Gets a page of venues that match have a given facility ID, longitude, latitude and within a given radius, returned in JSON format. |
venues/facilities/{facility}/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Gets a page of venues that match have a given facility ID, longitude, latitude and within a given radius, returned as XML by default. |
venues/facilities/{facility}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Gets a page of venues that match have a given facility ID, postcode and within a given radius, returned in JSON format. |
venues/facilities/{facility}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Gets a page of venues that match have a given facility ID, postcode and within a given radius, returned as XML by default. |
venues/fixtures/{fixtureId} | GET | Gets a page of venues that are showing the given fixture, returned in JSON format. |
venues/fixtures/{fixtureId}/ | GET | Gets a page of venues that are showing the given fixture, returned as XML by default. |
venues/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues matching the longitude, latitude and within the radius passed in, returned in JSON format. |
venues/geocode/{latitude}/{longitude}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues matching the longitude, latitude and within the radius passed in, returned as XML by default. |
venues/name/{name} | GET | Get a page of venues matching the name passed in, returned in JSON format. |
venues/name/{name}/ | GET | Get a page of venues matching the name passed in, returned as XML by default. |
venues/name/{name}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues matching the name, postcode and within the radius passed in, returned in JSON format. |
venues/name/{name}/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues matching the name, postcode and within the radius passed in, returned as XML by default. |
venues/postcode/{code}/{radius=10} | GET | Get a page of venues matching the postcode and within the radius passed in, returned in JSON format. |
venues/postcode/{code}/{radius=10}/ | GET | Get a page of venues matching the postcode and within the radius passed in, returned as XML by default. |
venues/themes | GET | Get a list of themes (e.g 'Irish' pub) available for a venue , returned in JSON format. |
venues/themes/ | GET | Get a list of themes (e.g 'Irish' pub) available for a venue , returned as XML by default. |
venues/types | GET | Get the list of all possible venue types, returned in JSON format. |
venues/types/ | GET | Get the list of all possible venue types, returned as XML by default. |